Site Plan
Parc Botannia has a land of estimated 185,095 sqft on address 10, 12, 16 and 18 Fernvale Street. There are a total number of 735 units starting from 1 bedrm, 1+Study, 2 Bedrm with 1 Bath, 2 Bathrm with 2 Bath, 2+Study, 3 Bedrm Compact, 3 Bedrm Premium, 4 Bedrm Compact, 4 Bedrm Premium & 5 Bedrm. All these Parc Botannia Floorplan types come in the range of 420 to 1668 square feet.
Parc Botannia has four tower blocks at 22 levels each. Most of the units are North South facing with pool view, park view or the greenery view. Selected units and stacks are on Parc Botannia Star Buy units.